Wasted potential.... paid over £6 just for Warner bros to show off the not-so-new movies they own and will most likely have on HBO max; at least the original space jam was funny.
The message - although somewhat hackneyed - was actually rather useful when conveyed at the end in connection to the beginning. But you will only figure that out if you manage the herculean task of staying awake through an approximately 2-hour-long barrage of bumbling hype to Lebron "King" James' ego, Warner bros own brand, and unnaturally-presented humor of the looney tunes (which, ironically enough, gave the answer as to why they were sent to the "rejects" before the events of the movie)
Frustratingly, it's a movie that could have been very good, but simply reduced itself to a cynical, multi-layered advertisement disguised as an inferior variant of "ready player one" , mixed with hollywood boomer humour (perfectly represented by the line "haters gonna hate") ... which was JUST enough cringe to reduce my jaws and skeleton to a dust-like substance.
One of the most annoying movies I've ever watched