Really very tense, gripping, and incredibly sad as well, considering that history is repeating itself right now, and the same kind of terrorists are holding Israeli hostages right now, just like in this movie. Quite a time to release a movie like this about this subject, but also good because perhaps some people who have swallowed some Nazi-like propaganda, from friends of the Nazis(Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Muslim leader of British Mandatory palestine - Amin al-Husseini, stayed with Hitler in Hitler's house, they worked together in the late 1930s early 1940s), can be reminded of or learn about what happened at the Munich Olympics on September 5th 1972. And how their downtrodden heroes have quite the history of offing innocent civilians. May they all rest in peace.
And also, this was clearly a movie based solely in a newsroom type of thing, I don't understand why people would tune-in to watch a newsroom-based movie, then complain and downvote it for being a movie based in a newsroom.