Well...I mean, it's pretty. Sprawling mountain scenes and almost lifelike snow behavior is definitely easy on the eyes.However that is both the start and the end of the Pros list. The Cons list starts with plodding, clumsy, and cryptic and probably gets worse from there.
Plodding: In playing RDR2 for 2 hours, I spent about 45 minutes of that just riding around. That's it. Ride from point A to point B. Searching is difficult as the camera angles are terrible and items you're supposed to acquire are poorly highlighted so you have to walk around every single inch of everything to see if it's of value.
Clumsy: The controls seem unnecessarily complicated. Guns fire erratically. Luckily you don't need one to hunt deer! Unluckily using a bow is about 5x more complicated. You have to hold the bowstring long, but not too long and hit the head or neck that's maybe two pixels wide.
Cryptic: There's an attempt to sort of tease you with a story, but in two hours, you really still have no idea what's going on. The character voices are incredibly similar and it took me about 10 minutes to figure out if I was Arthur or Dutch since Dutch seems to be the main character and you spend that time looking at them from the back.
Don't spend your money. Heck, don't even spend someone else's money. It's painful.