I love it - But I cannot even begin to think how the participants watching the incredulous Oprah Farce with Ms Markle can totally ignore all the evidence of her lies and treachery. ! You don't have to be a Royalist to find treachery and lies despicable.. Ignoring lies is they way Despots and evil people get into power.. I can only think that these people commenting on the markle so called "interview" have very little information to hand - therefore,it was a very biased show coming from Chanel 4.. Very very disappointing ! I switched off and now feel nothing but contempt and frustration at all those people participating on that show. You have lost a viewer.. I am not a right wing rich posh person - just an informed citizen and find myself surprised at my own loyalty for Crown and Country . I suddenly find myself a staunch Royalist after 70 years of indifference .