I found it hard to rate the film as it was moving but depressing. Everyones talked about how real to life it is, but I have had my wife die at 39 and am pleased to say there are much better ways to handle loss than is portrayed in this film. This gives great examples of how not to handle loss. Yes it may mimmic what is real for some people, but it certainly did not give much hope to anyone who has also experienced great loss. I also found the nephews response and priorities not very realistic for having just lost his dad. Seeing the main character still struggling with alcholism and anger many years later is also quite dissapointing, when that is what contributed to the tragedy in the first place. I found it very interesting reading the views and seeing such contrasting thoughts on the film. I guess I am halfway between.I did find the scene near the end with his exwife very touching, so the film definitely had me in. It's such a shame with her raw honesty that he was unable to handle it.