A poor adaptation, where it is clear that creating a faithful, immersive, well written Tolkien story was not the priority for Amazon, instead they wanted to create a commercial, marketable, progressive show that could rival game of thrones.
Includes lots of tiresome social commentary and themes, which I can somewhat tolerate when supplemented with a good story. But the plot is genuinely boring and written badly.
Dialogue is underwhelming, actions scenes are unrealistic and slapstick at times, often uses cheap tricks and methods to build tension throughout the show. For example it introduces several mystery characters and then tells you next to nothing about then to try and keep you gripped, it jus ended up making me frustrated and disinterested.
Too many inconsistencies with the source material, bad acting from the main characters, poor dialogue, bad pacing, amateur writing, bad casting, illogical character decisions, whimsical actions scenes and woefully boring.
This is coming from a lifelong Tolkien fan who has been looking forward to this show for years, only do be disappointed. No one is more upset than me at how this show turned out, Lord of the Rings was my childhood and I hoped to re live it through this show.
The things it does well are few, it looks amazing at times although it can look cheap and tacky at others, some of the CGI is really impressive for a TV show and the cast is very diverse if you enjoy that kind of thing.
But if you enjoy great stories and interesting characters I’d give this one a miss.