This is PEAK zombie horror film. The pacing is great and i love how it delves into how messed up an apocalypse can make someone or show their true colors. If youre used to shlocky zombie films, the adhd kind of movie- you'll think it's boring.
Don't listen to reddit. This movie ISNT boring. The suspense builds up nicely and the themes play well into eachother and callbacks are very consistent. Francis is what can go wrong in an apocalypse, combined with a husband who both needs and hates his family at the same time. It's not obvious at first, but thats the fun part!! You learn things throughout the story.
Of course characters may not make "rational" decisions sometimes, its a highly emotionally driven situation and half the family is children. The way Francis tries to isolate his family by lying and watching it all tie together in the "the boy who cried wolf" story just for that to be his undoing is GREAT.
Dont listen to the internet about movies anyway, watch it on your own time and how you feel about it is how you feel. But you really have to watch this to understand. This is like a movie about those doomed side families you see in other apocalypse movies. They COOKED with this one.