Edit: This Review Is Super Outdated As The New IT Is One Of My Favorite Horror Movies Of All Time For Many Reasons! From Pennywise Being Way Creepier Then The Oringal To The CGI Being Great And Crazy And The Kills Are Great! Honestly, Chapter 1 & 2 Are Neck To Neck Which Are Both Great Movies In Their Very Own Way! There Delfinty Both Way Better Then The IT Mini Series Especially Better Then The IT Mini Series Chapter 2 Like God That Was Boring! So Here's My Ratings: IT Chapter 1: 5/5: IT Chapter 2: 5/5: IT Mini Series: 3/5: If You Want To Read My Old Review For No Reason, I Guess You Can. (Lol)
Outdated Review:
The Old IT is a lot creepier because the disgusting CGI makes the kills alot worse than they should be. The same thing with the ITs. With All the swear words it gets annoying. It's a Okay Movie and Pennywise is Okay. And Also The Music is Not as Creepy as The Old It. But I Think That Chapter 2 Was a Big improvement.