I began watching CBS This Morning many years ago. Out of the three major networks CBS seemed to be the least political and most objective. It was obvious during a major election which political direction the Network leaned but between elections CBS used to simply report the news as it happened.
It has become obvious on a daily basis that the CBS Morning Show has a political agenda. I find myself having to turn the channel more and more often. I am a Business owner and employ about 45 people and had taught college students for about 15 years. In my positions I have had the means to influence many people politically and to infuse my personal views and opinions. Never once have I.
People who are put in a position where they can have great influence over other people should always rise to a higher standard and not take advantage of that position. I believe CBS This Morning is in this position and is taking that advantage. I would recommend rising above it as I have. It is simply the right thing to do!