"Elanora and the Salt Marsh Mystery" is a fun, engaging, adventurous story for the little ones (elementary grade/middle grade). I found the writing style to be very fluid and enlightening at times. The author knows what she's talking about, she's done her research well.
So, what exactly is the book about? Well, "... after a series of terrifying events, Elanora is transported to a strange neighborhood where the only way to get about is by water and the only food to eat is the grasses of the marsh. When she discovers that the water level in her new home is falling, she suspects humans are the cause and puts together a plan to save the creatures who live there."
It cries out to what is happening and has been happening to our environment ever since humans stepped a foot out of the crib. Mother Nature is truly in danger, every day, every hour, etc. Having a book like this spreads great awareness and can inspire young ones to do something, to speak out on these issues. We need more scientists out there, that's for sure lol.
All in all, I highly recommend this one. 5/5!