Perhaps after reading so many negative reviews, my expectations were super low, I almost didn't go and play Lightfall. But being a long time devoted Destiny player since D1 I decided to go for it. I am really glad I did, because I am having SO MUCH fun! Honestly, for my money, I am enjoying this better than even the Witch Queen. I haven't enjoyed a public space with all the random activities Plus the need to figure things out like how to collect certain fragments and locate hidden sectors etc since the Taken King. I know they say the story sucked, but for my money it was just fine! And it had a certain sense of humor that was funny and kept me entertained. Plus the cut scenes with the Witness and Calus were really cool and the final battle last stand against Calus I won't soon forget!
If you like killer game play, tons of stuff to do during and post campaign. cool new armor and weapons plus some quality of life improvements you'll love Lightfall. Don't believe all the negative hype on this one!!