I loved the first installment and wanted to see this one. Very disappointed, with a severe case of buyers remorse. No real action just long drawn out drama. The teens excitement with their new found powers, in some parts of the movie, seem overly acted bordering parody style excitement. Most of the magic in the movie happens in couple minutes montage of discovering powers using them for bubble bath, makeovers, fingernail polishing and the sort. When they finally come together and use their power it’s with low grade CGI effects where there foe stands there and takes the punishment while easily able to escape. Poor directing - anyone of us could have survived their magical attack portrayed in the final scene. It seems the directors were trying to mirror “Twilight” in some respects, but came up really short. The final scene adds insult to injury with a corny hint of a sequel. If you are looking for a long bland drawn out drama with unvested characters then order. If you are looking for magic, action, suspense don’t waste your money.