Have you ever met someone online who you knew you would probably never meet in person, but still developed a very strong friendship with them? Then you will understand the type of love between a poor New York script editor and the staff at a used bookstore in England. The novel is a true story and consists of the correspondence between the two. It begins shortly after World War 2 and continues for the next 19 years. If you love visiting used bookstores, if you are a collector of books, or just a lover of books you will love this story. When it was published the actress Anne Bancroft fell in love with it and her husband, Mel Brooks, bought the movie rights for her as a birthday gift so the movie could be made and Anne could play the part of the principal character, Helene Hanff. 84 is usually bundled with 'The Duchess Of Bloomsburry Street' which is the sequel so you actually get two books for the price of one. (Check to make sure of the bundling.) It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, but most of all, if you love books, it will thoroughly delight you.