Cut to the chance, this is brilliant. All the other reviews give you more details that I could retell by why I? Any series that makes you so captivated to binge watch it and already want to watch it again says a lot.
I have been to Ireland 10 times since age 2-1/2 till 7 years ago. I have spent an accumulation of 2 years of my life on what some have called “a small damp rock in the edge of the Atlantic.” I love Ireland for being real with a rich resilience history and people with as many layers as a thick encyclopedia.
My folks are Dubliners who emigrated to Canada and California so I appreciate the director’s mix of details old and modern.
The weaving in about the nuns island is one of many intriguing twists.
The series has many well known Irish actors in it. This is a well written and produced series. The dark lighting is the real deal in pubs to those who review that it is “too dark” then are missing the plot. These are Irish stories and things be dark at times. Enjoy.