In the beginning it was as good as Breaking bad at its best. Somewhere around the mental breakdown Chuck suffers, the plot began to fall apart as well. A three way competition took hold, and while everyone kind of pulled for the Jimmy and Kim show, it ran out of cutesy interplay, and pretty soon no one cared anymore who won. Mike and Nacho underwent their tough guy attempts at Oedipal angst, and all of Mexico's Cartel danced in the wings and sang caricatured opera written by and for Ricky Ricardo to perform at the Copa. After Nachito blew his brains out, I had forgotten why he seemed to have to do that. I am on the third episode of season 5 and if I make it to the end, it will only be my fondness for Odinkirk that will enable me to do so. Saul is a badly injured horse that should have been shot on the third lap.