It is one of those " modern ideology" dramas where the only way a woman can counter a weaker sex picture is by being a rebel. Prey tell modernization or woman empowerment all about rebellion. I think modern woman has become more awakened and has become more logical regarding her self, relationships and self esteem. The lead lady would have looked more urbane more modernized had she opened up about her hurt directly to her husband, had tried to communicate straight of the hurt he has brought to her self self esteem, instead of giving a blank expression though out.The Male lead was shown to be brought up in a Male dominated family and thus was certainly biased. Being an educated and intelligent woman, as we perceive director tried to show, the lead lady had to take the call to straighten the relation and hammering down the fact in her egoist husband's self centric brain that what he did was not only wrong but highly immoral and unacceptable and could lead to a shattered family scene. Domestic violence is clearly
Unacceptable issue but showing escapism not correction as the conclusion is certainly uncalled for and a very wrong message to society.