I have not finished it but the chapters I read start with inflammatory titles followed by the philosopher saying reactionary statements just seemingly for the hell of it. There is no research in this book that holds water, great that it looks at other psychologists but we have moved on since then. I also really did not appreciate the word “trauma” being thrown around. Trauma in the clinical sense is a really specific thing it alters your life and brain permanently which is why people with trauma have to undergo really specific therapies such as EMDR . Having something bad in your past that negatively impacted your mental health is not the same as trauma so as soon as they started throwing that around that just irked me and turned me off the book completely. Better books would be “the book of over thinking” which actually gave me tips that helped with my mental well being. I am pleased it seems to have been helpful for some people but for anyone who may have picked it up who has diagnosed trauma that would be really unhelpful.