I remember being aware of a tv show called The Mentalist but I did not watch it during its original air. Several years passed, we had a pandemic, streaming became a huge thing. And now I am finally watching it, and wow, it is such a funny, well-written show with really great acting. Simon Baker does such a great job of playing a child-like, playful character who has alot of demons and darkness (after losing his family). With that personality, you can imagine how close he must have been to his daughter. You can get an idea of what kind of love he had for his wife. It's actually refreshing to see a male character who isn't trying to bed every female that he encounters, or isn't forced into a shallow love-making scene for the sake of ratings. This character Patrick Jane reminds me of Rust Cohle (True Dectectives), but Patrick is trying to be positive while Rust falls towards the darkness. Patrick's fears and insecurities feel real. And his eventual confession to Lisbon feels so sincere and genuine. I'm a late fan to The Mentalist but I'm definitely a fan now.