I love Star Wars and I really wanted to enjoy this movie but I can’t suppress the feeling that it was legitimately unsatisfying and bad. I really enjoyed The Force Awakens but the decision to allow Rian Johnson to direct the second movie instead of having JJ Abrams direct the whole trilogy really destroys whatever plans JJ originally had for the movies. Rey never develops as a character in this movie and throughout the story she is never truly challenged by anything. As a result of Rey’s vast and limitless power, none of the stakes really seem to matter. Every time the viewer is offered a plot point that could drastically alter the story it is immediately taken back, cheapening the whole experience. The movie attempts to piece together the continuity of the previous two movies while serving up a tribute to Carrie Fisher. This tribute is certainly touching, but it does the story no favors. I am honestly just disappointed. George Lucas created such a beautiful and complex universe and now he has to watch as it is squandered. For the sake of all future Star Wars films, don’t change directors in the middle of a connected trilogy Disney. Trust your feelings my friends. If you enjoy the movie, please continue to. If you didn’t then let us both hope for a more satisfying future.