Not worth $40 but still fun.
There is no DC penalty, so people DC if they don’t get the role they want (killer/survivor). People also DC if they die quickly… so your whole lobby can just turn into bots. And not even good bots. I have also been stuck as the only killer when the other two killers get mad and rage quit.
Voice chat is getting pretty toxic already… I mean, if people in your party even use it.
Worse thing is that you can’t personalize key binds… so you have to use the default key binds.
There are some glitches that will need to be fixed like falling through the map, character glitches to where they can’t use their items, and glitches where you can’t pick up an item.
I have enjoyed playing, but it is quickly becoming repetitive and honestly a game of luck where you spawn and what you can find. I don’t recommend solo queuing