An engaging film, this adaptation of the classic story is a bit modernized and more dynamic than the traditional telling. Told in retrospect, it was difficult at times to assess the time period (past or present) as the actresses did not age in the film (from childhood to adulthood, their fashions and hair remains quite similar). For example, Amy looked 25 throughout the film, both as a middle-schooler and as an adult. Unless the viewer was familiar with the plot, the present-to-past flip flopping would drive you crazy. Additionally, the characterizations were a bit more like caricatures, as attributes were exaggerated (Laury - who seemed immature & looked 15 throughout the film). In some cases, characters were diminished to 2-dimensional figures (Frederik Bhaer). The better screen adaptation IMO is the 90s version with Sarandon and Ryder : Truer to the novel, more seamlessly portrayed, and with more depth of character revealed. Watch that version instead - you won’t be disappointed, as I was today.