WARNING. This is not an easy game. It’s unforgiving and you have to grind A LOT.
To those who are capable of learning, the feeling of accomplishment this game will reward you with is unrivaled. The map itself is massive. The beauty in their work is literally what makes this game. Every time I reach somewhere new, I always say “What the F*** is that?!” The creatures they have created is literal art. I have fought the tree sentinel more times than I can count and he is literally the first mini boss you see. Armor built with gold on a majestic looking horse, it is gorgeous. From giants, to rats, to dogs and dragons, everything is out to kill you and when you prevail after the blood sweat and tears, the game rewards you handsomely. This game is so good, the director shouldn’t have to pay taxes on anything anymore. He deserves a residual income from the government for this master piece and when he passes, we should toss Albert Einsteins brain and preserve his instead. This game reminded me why I love gaming so much.