I waited many years to play The Last of Us Part II. The original game was an absolute masterpiece in my opinion, and jumped into the number one spot of video games for me. It took a simple plot and expanded it with some of, if not THE BEST written characters in a story-driven game. With that, I expected nothing less from NaughtyDog with the sequel. I was disappointed with the end result. Part of me thought that this game was a waste of money and completely forgot what made the original so special, while the other half of me was blown away by the game. First, let me list some of the pros and cons-
- Photorealistic graphics and animations
- Great voice acting performances from the VA’s
- Incredible sound design that brought the world to life
- Little details hidden in the environments
- Simple yet engaging combat with fun gunplay
- Lackluster writing
- Poor pacing
- Misleading advertisements
- Failure to make me sympathize with Abby
- The ending
Let me explain some of the cons in greater detail. Pacing and writing felt rushed. Most of the advertisements featured things not shown in the full game and had completely different story elements in them. The final two I would like to talk about. I feel like the game didn’t do well in making me feel for Abby. Maybe it was how she was introduced- us players didn’t get to really become emotionally invested into her character until after what happened, at a time where we hated her. Finally, the ending…
(spoilers ahead!)
I didn’t buy Ellie sparing Abby at that moment of the story. Her decision to spare her felt completely out of character. Perhaps she would have had regrets later but then? At that moment? The build up to the ending was great, but what happened made the entire journey feel… pointless.
I’m still not sure how I feel about this game overall. However, I can definitely see someone who hasn’t played part one loving this game. For me, since I was a fan before it released, it actually ruined some of the original for me. The sequel was forgettable and pointless. I hope NaughtyDog can improve in the future. I do respect those who liked the game though- I’m glad for those who enjoyed it, but it wasn’t me. The Last of Us Part II is a narrative, so not having a story that is at least decent is unacceptable.
I would buy this game at a big discount, and would only purchase at a full price if you haven’t played the original. This receives 2.5 out of 5 stars from me.
Edit: I played this game the day it released on a PS4 (not the pro). I had known that there were leaks but avoided it completely, nor had I known that people hated the leaks.