1. Progeria patients do NOT live as long as this movie shows. Oldest in record worldwide is 26 years. The serial killer in this movie is in his 30s and showing strengths of a regular man. Except for being bald, no signs show that he is a patient of progeria.
2. Apparently, when you ask a school about a performer who has performed like 3 months ago in front of all the students, it turns out no one has any contact details of them???!!!! Do you let any random person come perform in your school without proper info? Ironically, the school authorities also say ' student safety is their 1st concern'.
3. So much unnecessary drama!!
4. The killings were brutal, yes, but no one really seemed to be agitated by it.
5. When you see the body inside the trunk, being a policeman, do you call for forensic and let them do a check? NO! You take the car to the morgue, and carry the body with your bare hands, thus removing all evidence, if there was any, only because she's your niece!!
6. Plot was good, except for the progeria diagnosis. Execution was super bad! Could have been so much better!!!