I have not played a single Mortal Kombat since the deception and Armageddon days (yes I remember how horrible they were, but I have a lot of great memories playing them with friends I no longer have). It wasn't that I wasn't interested in playing any of the MK games that followed I was simply unable to do so for reasons I do not wish to explain here. Anyways, I must say for the first MK game I have picked up in over a decade it is very good and the story is intriguing. The Kombat feels good, flows naturally and the kameo feature is a different and welcome addition. Yes the graphics, fps and all that jazz is not as good as the Xbox and PlayStation versions but that does not take away from the game in anyway shape or form, not everyone, infact real gamers don't care about that. Whatever platform you choose to play this on, it as a great experience. Don't let the PlayStation ponies or Microsoft morons ruin that for you. You can play on and enjoy this game on any platform. Playing games is about having fun and enjoying yourself not who has more money to afford this or that, which version has better graphics, which version has more fps. You will have a blast as a MK fan no matter what system you play on and I strongly recommend this game on any of them!