Alright her it goes,
Jodie Whitaker had potential but the funny thing is in suppertion number thritten has a bad rep. Also the story line flux should never had happen Doctor who best work in 45 min one parter our 45 min two partners russel t Davies for season fourteen should realse the episodes like how battle star galtcia did for when it realised. Also I think chris chinnball hands down the worst writer for dr. who I hate his obsession for classic who. I also hated that he had no original ideas. Going back to the obsession of classic who were in modern who chinnball classic who doesnt work in modern who is better then the classic just look at tennat on what he did. Also the supporting cast was terrible consisting of mandip gill and john bishop and jodie whitaker she was the only decent chhrater. also the love story was strange the doctor and yaz falling in love. If chinball love classic who he wouldn't have cheaters falling in love with each other. That never happend in classic who. Also I wish the bbc would let it be easy to let fanfiction writers have a chance for writing some of the episode I'm a fanfiction writer and I've got twenty plus epsiode ideas and more also for season fourteen I wish they will make new monster put aside the iconic chartes aside for a moment and let awesome new one come in. I would also like to see more doctor lite epsiode and compion lite epsiode or just episode without the doctor and comanions and just see how it goes. Also the tardis intior is garbage it has grown on me a little but it seriously looks like a freaking bees hive like something from the bee movie the series twelve and thriteen are just a joke and the casting is too also Series fourteen needs to feature a huge guest star so that people will get excited about it. Series fourteen I'm rooting for you dont let me down please I've bee a whovian for ten years I dont want see something that was great and fail. The worst episode was arcnoids in the uk hands down the worst I think it hilloursly they way British people interrupt donald j trump and also dont like the were hating on the usa president I'm sure amrcia doesn't hate on the parliament primister. We wouldn't he is the master vote Harold Saxon. I just wish they would also find a diffrent showrunner and find someone who is actually qualified I think russel t Davies I awesome but he also had Steven moffat backing up his epsiode like blink and silence in the libary it disappointing that Steven moffat doesnt have any more ideas for who. I would like to end this on saying I want original stories arcs and I would like it a bit darker have more epsiode like blink or something decent I think they should make a dr who episode on the doctor diet maybe call it the doctors diet and have the slogan be like an apple a day keeps the doctor away have the villans in that episode say that. I also dont like the way that who is going so woke I dont want to be watching this show with my future kids and having them see Woke stuff not against it but dont like it I dont want dr who to be lovey either.