The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is an American sitcom television series created by Andy and Susan Borowitz, inspired by the life of Will Smith. It originally aired on NBC from September 10, 1990, to May 20, 1996. The series stars Will Smith as Will, a street-smart teenager born and raised in West Philadelphia who is sent to move in with his wealthy uncle and aunt in their Bel-Air mansion after getting bullied at the local playground in his neighborhood. However, his lifestyle often clashes with that of his upper-class relatives.
Known as Smith's star vehicle into television and later his film career, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a top hit for NBC, running for 148 episodes over six seasons.[1][2] A reunion special/retrospective reuniting the original cast debuted on HBO Max in November 2020.[3][4] A more dramatic reboot based on the fan film Bel-Air is in active development, with a two-season order for Peacock.