Title: "Snail's Pace Story"
Hey everyone,
Just watched Dunki, and it felt like watching paint dry – slow and kind of boring. 😴
The story took its sweet time to unfold, and I found myself fighting off yawns more than getting into the plot. The characters didn't really grab my attention, and I even dozed off for a bit!
Our lead actor SRK the great! seemed to have mistaken the movie set for a Broadway stage. The drama was so over-the-top. It's high time someone slipped him a note saying, "Less is more!"
I couldn't decide if I was watching a movie or an acting masterclass gone wrong. Maybe a few acting classes wouldn't hurt – just a friendly suggestion.
If you're into movies that take things slow, this might be your cup of tea. But if you like a bit more action or excitement, you might want to skip this one.
Rating: ⭐/5 (One star because, well, it wasn't a total disaster)