Anything less than 5 stars for this work of art is a travesty. I didn't read many comics as a child, I didn't see previous films with Joker it them (other than Suicide Squad, the first one, and he wasn't even a main character). I have no bar to which Joker needs to reach and had no expectation prior to watching the film. Went in with a completely open mind.
Having been a bit of a Batman fan (particularly Batman Begins) and knowing Joker to be the nemesis, I've always wanted to watch it. I'm cheap and lazy though, so waited for for it to come out on Netfix. Saw load of people back in 2019 post stuff on Facebook etc saying how they get his side of the story. I totally get it now.
DC completely smashed it with the darkness and drew me in insipring empathy, sympathy and acknowledgement to certain topics visited which are pertinent in today's world.
Hope the second one (if they make one) is on the same vibe.
Personally DC are ahead of marvel when taking this movie into consideration. Chucking budget on special effects can be done by the deep pockets of Disney, but a storyline, camera work and delivery can't be replaced. No disrespect to Marvel, but this tips the scale for me!