This series broke my heart. Every time Tessa And Hardin broke up and got back to together every other chapter This book was able to make me feel every bit of it along with these characters. The pain that they cause each other and the pain put on to them by others is unbearable but I couldn’t stop. The first two books pull you in and I was so frustrated and angry and infatuated with every word I read. I was so enamored it felt toxic for me to keep reading. I decided to look up spoilers so that I knew how these characters story ended. After reading an over all synopsis of what happens I had to hear how these characters handle everything that they deal with and how they both of them grow and while originally incredibly toxic and twisted their relationships evolves just like them. I don’t want to spoil the end but I have still not recovered from this series and don’t know if I will ever fall for another book like this one