I really do not like this show.
I mean the show looks promising but really the show is only for children. The art style is amazing but the writing wasn't good.
Each episode felt like I was watching it for an hour, and no other character other than Cleo really gets much background to them ( even her 2 best friends ). We don't get an episode with them ever separated, they are always together in the end. I just want a episode without Cleo that focuses on her friends.
and in the first episode the writers set up all these flaws for cleo's friends that are never explored in the episode laters, we don't see them overcoming those flaws and becoming better people. I also hate cleo because she is so perfect and gets pretty much everything she wants, somehow she is amazing at fighting even though she's a pampered princess. They don't explain why she is so good at fighting and using a slingshot, she just is. Also when she goes into the future she is somehow amazing with future weapons.
In a few episodes, Cleo is really messy and then they never bring it back up, we don't see Cleo becoming a better person and cleaning up her messes because she respects her friend letting her live in her apartment, that just happens off-screen I guess.
Also, the big bad guy is her friend who had a crush on her but they touched something after she fell into the portal turning them ugly and old, making them live forever, and turning them evil. So for like thousands of years, he was trying to track down his 14-year-old crush as like a 1,000-year-old man. Which is super creepy to think about...
I think it would be better if the big bad guy was Cleos father, it would make way more sense and be less creepy and remove the romance and just him wanting his daughter back.
every episode feels like it is drawn out because they had to make it 20 mins long. Atleast the theme song is banging
Also, the show tries to be funny but it's just really cringy, only a 6-year-old could laugh at the joke this show makes. The show does this plot twist with the cat lady who controls the school giving up and letting the bad guy idk destroy the school? I forgot. Her reasoning was because they will lose, but they have Cleopatra who is perfect at everything so why worry?
The lessons in the show aren't even good, I don't even think there are any morals. There was an entire episode with the two best friends ( of cleo ) with a robot that starts calling them mommy and mommy-daddy, it's just so random and not funny? and yet they play it out like it's hilarious. Then the robot has a tantrum and makes the volcano they are on erupt, then the robot sacrifices itself to save them. I was honestly so happy when that robot died, for the whole episode it acted like a 4-year-old child, it was so annoying. Everyone was so sad that the robot died but 😱 the robot is ok. Idk what the lesson would even be.
I forgot to mention but there was a bully who was Cleo rival and that's all she was, I liked her as a character and the writers did an ok job with her BUT, they kept her as a bully which is what they did wrong. In one ep Cleo saves her and you'd think, oh they are kinda on good terms now? NO, the writers keep her as a bully ( from what I remember ) until the arcade episode when she is invited to the arcade with Cleo, and after that episode she is still a bully to Cleo. The writers should have redeemed her and make her join team cleo but they didn't for what reason I do not know.