I've watched America's Got talent since season one. I'm extremely dissapointed how when all judges & autience were on their feet for the singer Jackie Avon co flawless song & they said she sung like a angle! Which she did. What's wrong w/ your system as all my friends say the've quit watching as every belive it's rigged as to who will win ??? I'm wondering myself now. Your host gave a talented lady a golden busses to a lady from Ukraine - but not anywhere close to Jackie flawless skills. I come to find out that your host Terry is a political activist? I'm not political but I know Jackie Avon co sung at a Trump Rally reciently. So it appears your host & activists are punishing Jackie & trust me America Is Watching * were not blind - it's sorry that politics interfere with talent . Blind ignorance is sad. Meaning right is right & wrong is wrong. Humanity is better than that. Is N.B.C. WANTING TO LOOSE IT'S LOYAL AUDIENCE ARE YOU BLINDED AND CARE NO MORE? MANY ,MANY , OF YOUR LOYAL AUDIENCE ARE WATCHING & AND WE'RE NOT BLIND. KEEP US ARE LOOSE US - AS EVEN THOUGH WE'RE YOYAL WE CAN GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. RON KENNEDY