This was quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Nothing happens. I will never forgive myself for wasting $20 and two hours of my life to watch this film. Awful writing, confusing and uninteresting story, abysmal child actors, cringe jokes, and the tone of movie did not match the themes whatsoever. I recommend no one watches this movie, unless you have a lot of boring things to do and would like to find something more boring to compare them to, making those things much more enjoyable. Every dollar wasted on this movie should be donated to charity, no one deserves to be paid for this embarrassing excuse for a movie. If you ever feel bad about yourself, your life, or anything that you are not happy with, please watch this movie. By the times the credits roll, you will be crying tears of joy, that no matter what has happened to you, no matter what you have done wrong in your life, you did not make this movie, and things will not seem so bad.