. Ties up lose ends for the saga. *spoiler alert* Ben’s redemptive return and facing his own nights was epic. However, everything else was a repeat... no originality .Palpatine’s return also could have been epic - but too much in too little time. That’s what happens when u switch from Abrams to Johnson and back again. They should have stuck with one consistent voice. This film lacked any character development. As a viewer, the movie seemed to wrap up too quickly with no time to enjoy the revelations. If this were the end, why not Develop the plot and characters a little more; thus allowing the viewer his/her reward for faithful decades of support. The writers and Disney didn’t understand the essences of Star Wars. Quality CGI created a good action film, but not a great Star Wars movie in general (but the best of the 3 in the saga ) And of course “Disney” inserted their own agenda.
It was a good enough watch - not a wasted 2.5 hrs like the last Jedi