I loved this book. I am no scientist. But very curious and avid reader. the book was tremendously helpful to understand the entangled, complex, biochemical, psychological sciences that underpin health and some of the most common diseases we are all facing personally or through people close to us. Getting down into the nitty gritty of the latest knowledge and science was fascinating. I straight away applied several learnings to my own life, went to the GP to get a calcium scan, get tested for other genetic biomarkers, little e, and my doctor wasn't surprised. Saying that these tests are about to become more standardised.
But mostly I have benefited from the holistic depiction of health, well-being and longevity being interconnected and shaped by different factors, like social relationships, exercise, sleep etc. There have been eye opening aspects in this book that will hopefully remain with me for long time, help guide me to live a better and longer life.