This is a movie about people, aging, our regrets, the things we cannot change, the things we can get second chances for, and perhaps the things we still have time to change. Maybe the magic of the movie doesn't exist, but just maybe you should create your own magic if things have gone astray, I'm thinking that's the message. Sometimes a reminder that we're not perfect, but we can forgive ourselves is just the remedy we need to soldier on. Just like a good book or a good song, not every movie is filled with action every minute, it is the subtle workings of daily life that hold the meaning of a life lived, even with all the mistakes. This movie brings that to the forefront, not with all the answers toolife's mysteries, but enough to ask you to look inside and see where your headed. Well acted, well thought out, and done with a quality just yourself lacking in these thought provoking genres, every day is a second chance.