As a book fan since childhood, I'm fuming. Yes, it's understandable that the plot had to be set up again for movie fans, but that doesn't change the fact that there are entirely unnecessary omissions that could prove vital to the plot moving forward. For example, Professor Sader, a highly important character, was completely left out of the plot, which will in turn cause inaccuracies in future films if it's decided the rest of the series will be adapted on the big screen (God, I hope not). The dynamics of the characters and their relationships are off by a long shot, and many of their actions and lines are entirely uncharacteristic. It's surprising to see that the film was bungled so bad, especially since Soman had a large say in everything. The magic system is not at all the same, and there are unneeded character and plot additions (for example: Gregor was not a character in the books, "blood magic" wasn't a part of the magic system and Rafal didn't speak to Sophie throughout the book). Needless to say, I wasn't a fan of the movie overall. But that's not to say it was entirely frivolous. I think we all learnt a valuable lesson here; that reading the books, supporting the author and getting your hopes up for a half-decent adaptation really do get you nowhere, so it truly is best to just expect disappointment. This half-baked, rushed, sloppy excuse of an adaption was really just another two hours of my life I'll never get back.