I’ve been looking forward to this book for quite some time, as I know the author rather well (family will do that to you without us even needing to put in effort) and it’s been quite the mysterious process. This book was not what I expected. For one, the vocabulary needed to read this is rather proficient. Have a dictionary ready or read it in the app so you can define anything unfamiliar. (It’ll make sense either way I promise) For two, the experience of reading this is absolutely worth it.
The characters were very personable. Being familiar with the geographical area depicted in this book also helped, some familiar names of cities and restaurants dropped that I appreciated. I really enjoyed this book overall. Loved the story and the theories, the concepts that are familiar yet with a completely fresh twist. The setup can be a little tough to understand, but the second half and the last 100 pages or so were awesome. Looking forward to more