I consider myself relatively easy going with what I let my kids watch and play. This is no worse than majority of the video games and movies out there. However, the opening scene where a child is presumably beaten to death was a little extreme when it didn't really need to be. I understand the film is trying to get a message across, but it seemed a bit much. The only other thing I initially cringed at was the amount of swear words, drug references, and sexual innuendo in it. I say "initially" because I wasn't expecting it from an award winning children's film (I'm not sure if it was originally this risque, but in English it's somewhat of a surprise). But after I put it into perspective (i.e. there are worse movies and video games) then I wasn't so uncomfortable. Just be warned - if you're looking for a cute, heart warming film about anti-bullying and sweet family values... You're barking up the wrong tree. Lol. Otherwise it's a pretty good movie!