The best story telling I’ve ever experienced.
I don’t see any longevity in it though. Once you experience all the stories there is nothing left to do. Different Cars feel pointless with no customization options.
The “racing” they promised is a scripted side mission with cars teleporting in the lead to build tension.
The city is fully realized as far as geometry goes but it’s absolutely lifeless as NPC’s double as test dummies.
The game crashes every couple hours.
The PS4 version is the best PS3 game to ever be played on a PS4.
The in game lighting breaks all the time.
The in-car view is broken
All those buttons in the car are non-interactive.
The intro with silver hand is boring and faces no consequences if your not paying very much attention.
Dialogue choices are not varied.
Your characters origin makes no difference.
Too much sex being sold everywhere from ads to people walking around with strap-ons
The sound mixing is awful
The “phone” mechanics are broken
Scripted movements look rushed as npc’s ignore the environment around them.
But the story though.