Thank you for making this book into a movie, but it could’ve been better. Unfortunately, IMO, it lived up to the poor book-to-movie adaptation reputation most books get. I am so disappointed the pacing and content of this movie. I understand wanting to focus solely on Alex and Henry’s relationship, but there was so much love and acceptance in the book that VERY few of us in the LGBTQ+ community get to experience that was omitted from the movie. How are you just gonna omit June like that?? Having sibling who gets you, who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself, helping you navigate a huge moment in your life like Alex does in this book, is so important!! Also, the fact that there was a brand built of the White House Trio, and even Nora barely got any screen time. I don’t think it would’ve diminished Alex and Henry’s relationship at all to have June in the movie, IMO. And hello?? Where was the whole scandal with Luna being a triple agent?!? More importantly, WHERE WAS LUNA?? Alex and Luna had such a bond before we even knew they were both queer, and we just…took that out?? Luna was such an important person in Alex’s life, a hero in his eyes. Same with Bea and Henry, there was so much sibling connection we didn’t get to see, and Bea was Henry’s closest family member. And the conflict with Philip and Henry’s mother because of being Royal and gay, like??? I get not wanting to focus on the bad parts about being gay, but we can’t shy away from it either. The LGBTQ+ community is more than our sexuality and sex, we are people!! Why can’t we focus on our individuality AND on our romances?? AND, how are we just gonna change the queen to a king?? WACK. Anyway, I was very much looking forward to this movie, but ended up being disappointed.