From what I've seen about This Morning, most of the talk seems to be about Phillip and Holly's inappropriate behavior. Apparently, most of you Brits like it. That means you're dense. To those of you who see through the facade, I respect the hell out of you. A show like This Morning should be a family-friendly, informative and enjoyable news chat show, but instead, our fellow English speakers across the pond have to put up with unnecessary giggle fits over unfunny double entendres, curse words that would make the censors very upset, and toilet humor that only elementary and early middle school children would find hilarious. I hope ITV gets two better presenters to replace them. They probably won't because they're cowards, which also explains why they turned the comments off on their YouTube videos, but it would be better in the long run if they did both. Also, why are there dozens of these news articles reporting on this show like it's the hottest thing on TV? 1: Slow day at the office? And 2: I've read these articles and they are as piss-poor as the show they're reporting on. Stop gossiping about this TV drivel and go back to talking about Boris Johnson and the Brexit. Hell, you've got Euro 2020 coming up, why not talk about that? The point is, shows like This Morning are supposed to spread the news, and only on occasions should they make news of their own. Britain, what is your fascination with these overrated laughter fits, with this show and The Chase? Please tell me, I'm genuinely curious.