There are definitely paid reviews for Neverwinter on Google as well as paid for up ratings. This game is a very weak excuse for D&D and their studio Cryptic is a den of Pathological Liars and Hacks.
Zero build choices. It is all cookie cutter and EXPENSIVE. The latest update is the worst grind of all and even if you were to pay real money($$$$) to level up to endgame within 90 days there is a definite lack of end game Anything. The game is full of abandoned and obsolete zones that serve no purpose except to cheat new players into buying buyout tokens(that are never worth it, boons are meaningless improvements).
There are so many got you RNG curses that even hundreds of dollars in upgrades can be nullified by other group members who did something cryptic deems a "balancing element" before they even entered the dungeon with you. Such things can include crafting, participating in events, claiming rewards, changing companion powers, etc. You know most of the stuff an average player would consider Fun content. A completely unprofessional approach to online gaming and most definitely a reason to never spend a dime on this online claw game.
They need to stop wasting so much IT cost on a wasteful and obsolete damage system with too many useless small numbers that need to be computed off of "10% of 15% every 15 seconds" PVP gear abilities and implement Proper Alignment DR, Proper Bludgeoning/Slashing/Piercing DR, proper Will/Fortitude/Reflex Saves and Fortification. It would allow them to support 3x-4x as many people being online as the current nonsense they are so proud of that turns into rubber band soup as soon as enough players turn up for a new update. D&D Weapons don't even exist in this game, its all trophies with skins.
There is no Vision or legitimate Design elements to this game, they are cutting and pasting elements that have been around for years. The game has consistently gotten worse since Mod16. Pre mod16 it actually had a legitimately enthusiastic base instead of paid shills posting fake reviews.
Let me share a quote from the forum from a Day 1 returning player:
"I played Neverwinter at launch and pulled a whole league over from DCUO at the time to try out the game. couldn't keep the rest of my leagues interest so I ended up playing mainly by my self... after a time the constant nickel and diming just got to me and I gave it up and went back to DC.
I have recently came back to the game because of the new expansion. I really want to see the city they built and compare it to the books. and see if this game is worth picking back up. I see that its all drastically different for sure some in good ways some in bad. but from what I'm seeing the same predatory practices are still going on and if anything much worse that before. they sell Zen cash at just below the amounts actually needed for the purchases that are just above what you can buy in a pack still. this is a horrible way to treat your player base and especially new players that don't know what's going on well enough to see how they are being robbed.
The selling of over powered mounts and companions to then later be nerfed so that the next new thing is stronger forcing end game players to then buy that new thing.."
If you are on PC there is no reason at all to ever start this game. D&D Online is 10,000% better if you are looking for a legitimate D&D experience. Despite it's older graphics is is actually designed and balanced unlike this Chef Boyardee excuse for a cash grab that is NeverGood. This game is Not worth installing, you will Definitely regret it after multiple years of empty upgrades and meaningless equipment grinds. 1 Star