Was bamboozled by the trailer. Good thing I didn’t watch it in the movies waste of money in my opinion.
The trailer did not specify it would be a musical. It looked like a recreation of mean girls. Same concept, names, lines etc with a twist or whatever.
Well im just going to leave it short and sour.
It was boring as hell. I watched all of 20 minutes of the movie and exited. I like musicals don’t get me wrong, but I was not expecting a musical and on top of that the musical numbers are random, jumbled, and unnecessary. It does not “flow” and it just made the movie look really cheap. I know this is supposed to show mean girls in a Gen Z era or whatever, but I am considered Gen Z (2000). And this is terrible. Did not depict my years at all. Maybe more of 2006+. Some of the actors weren’t bad. The Regina had the flair. Not the face but the flair. Everyone just seemed so average not to hate. Their acting was under average, they missed a bunch of the iconic build up plot from the original iconic movie, the choice of actors were under average.
The impression of the first 20 minutes just tells me this is a C or D type movie.
If you’re going to recreate an iconic movie. It better be mind melting good or else you’re just tarnishing the originals name.
Waste of time don’t watch unless you’re a kid then it might be good to you.