The first season was cute, so I didn’t mind watching the second season.
The second season was extremely random, storylines from the previous season weren’t wrapped up. It was very bad writing.
Jill’s character was insufferable. She was so condescending, rude, entitled…the list goes on. Not to mention, Jill is not a good actor, she brings no real range to this role.
Randomly pushing Ari off to LA and shoving some new gal in the mix as part of the friend group??? Why?! It made no sense, but knowing how season 3 went, for some reason, this was all apart of the plan.
I liked Bree and her husband.
The show fell off a cliff and I’m not surprised. It’s no wonder this is a BET show. Always providing half *** shows that are subpar at best. It’s no wonder the network continues be the 6th man, the bridesmaids never the bride, close but no cigar. It’s embarrassing.