This show is an excellent adaptation of the first half of Anne Rice’s classic novel. The show is set in the early 1910s instead of the mid 1800s, but these changes add to the story and make it seem more grounded in reality and history. Sam Reid really captures the Lestat of the the entire chronicles and is a more nuanced version than we’ve seen in the films so far, Sam’s performance is amazing but so are Jacob and Bailey as Louis and Claudia. The differences from the novel make Louis more interesting and they do not shy away from Lestat and Louis’ relationship as lovers which was clear in the novels but was never shown on screen accurately before in the two films (Louis was cut entirely from the Queen of the Damned film). Whether you’re a fan of the Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt film or an avid Anne Rice reader you’ll find something to love about this series and when you get to the end you’ll be asking for more just like Claudia.