I had no intention of reading this book at all, or even in one sitting. I'd come across it before, but not enough to sit down and read it. I didn't know anything about the book when I start, I had assumed I knew a slightly less depressing outcome for the main characters from the beginning. The main character, brought back so many personal memories for me, from experienceing being that awkward, quiet, doesn't know where she fits in, quirky emo girl who wore tiaras. This girl was literally me, even when her best friend, and boyfriend betrayed her. But man. I did not see that ending at all. It was definitely triggering if you've ever been through any of that in your life. I feel like most of the people who've written reviews about the book on here, honestly just don't understand the main character, and don't want to seem to. That's okay, this book Definitely isn't for everyone.