JUST ONE MORE THING, my wife is a school teacher, two days after the election in November she was on her way home from school when sitting at a stop light the man in the car behind her noticed her Trump sticker on the back of her car, got out of his car, walked up to her window, put both of his middle fingers to her side window, starting laughing saying F--K You looser how does it feel? as she was telling me the story I couldn't help wonder how did we get here as a civil society? From the first day I remember Trump running for president, no one thought he would make it to the first debate stage, what a joke, not fit, talks out of his butt, not professional, not political, shoots from the hip, and as far as I was concerned, you guys were right, never really liked the man, but as time ran on, everyone noticed there was something special about this man, the left put their machine into motion, and the hate was born, everything he said was kinda out there, Obama is spying on my campaign, the media said he wasn't fit for office and he needs mental evaluation, come to find out he was right, people on the right started thinking wow this guy is really digging up the dirt, he really knows whats going on, when they started the Russian hoax, Trump was right! , when he said I could shoot someone and still get elected he was right, (what he meant was I could do something really stupid you would think no one would follow me after that but they would),on election night in 16 when the poles were so fixed on Hillary, every media outlet said Trump looses in the biggest landslide in history, all the celebs chimed in' I can guarantee Trump will never be president, Obama roasted him at a dinner and later when confronted with one of Trumps tweets by a news anchor, Obama said at least I can say I was President, When Trump won It was the shock heard around the world. Senator Lewis while talking to Chuck Todd said I am not going to the inauguration and I urge my colleagues to join me in this boycott, when Chuck asked why, he said he is an illegitimate President, the Russians put him in office, Trump was right again, THE RUSSIANS didn't have anything to do with it, The press made a joke of the inauguration, there was riots in the streets, cars burning and somehow the media made it sound like it was Trumps fault, so when it is all said and done You can thank yourself and all your friends in all the media for a school teacher being accosted on her drive home by a man she doesn't know, never met, will probably never see again, JUST FOR HAVING A TRUMP STICKER ON HER CAR? Thanks for the memories.