Far better than the RT critics' rating aggregate.. there are so many directions in which such a film could have gone, but you generally get what you order when it comes to JJ Abrams. He's one of the best and most exciting table-setters in modern filmmaking, but consider that his track record for endings (Lost) or follow-ups (Star Trek Into Darkness) is considered by some to be a tad underwhelming or lacking in originality. I am unconvinced that any filmmaker could have "landing" this film without sky-high expectations or a wall of criticism about every choice. I enjoyed the film from beginning to end; laughed in spots, was surprised in spots - and shed a 'lil tear or two. The film looks gorgeous and spends almost every second of running time featuring the main course characters of the new trilogy. Subjectively, I wonder if this movie could have somehow been "smaller" and less hellbent on tying up loose ends, if it wouldn't have found a different and deeper effect. Ultimately, I recommend this film. My favorite of the Disney films is Rogue One and I've generally liked them all. TROS is another solid entry and light-years better than any of the prequels.