i got into the Slits in 1979,after Cut was released in September.There can do attitude,& fresh approach to Punk was & is another dimension along with a love of dub Reggae .They held my attention & listening enjoyment still today.Ari was a boisterious determined woman of substance along with Tessa,s Bass & Viv"s skippy geetar.Great montage of the last formation of the added slits family.Also went onto to recording "trapped Animal".Before we lost Ari up to Cancer...Such a shAME That those with a message & a mouth to tell it.Havent lived due to pressure"Untruths
,& for the passsion to pull this off ...yet who wants to fight with there so called protectors Record Companies.CONSTANTLY...great collective of a thread of 4 girls joining in the happenings .OF simply now.